is a high view of the sovereign grace of God, and the heart of our practices is a life of gratitude for that grace. We seek to live out the motto of the Presbyterian-Reformed faith ...
First Presbyterian Church Shreveport is a giving and forgiving intergenerational church that seeks to be outreach-focused and education-minded. Therefore, the focus of our mission is to worship and study together, extend hospitality, engage our neighbors, and reach out to our brothers and sisters locally and globally.
The ministry and mission of the church is nurtured and led by our officers (elders and deacons) and our staff. Our church is part of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (USA). First Presbyterian Church is a member of the PRESBYTERY OF THE PINES.
We value traditional worship that is characterized by strong, biblical preaching and is enhanced by a vibrant musical program. Our worship is rooted in the Reformed tradition and appeals to the mind as well as the heart. Our worship is creative, but not “gimmicky.”
We value the friendships and warm relationships we share with other members of our church family and the support and care we give and receive from each other. We want visitors to see us as the open and welcoming church that we strive to be.
We value our mission outreach to Shreveport and the world. We are proud of our commitment to benevolent giving for others and of our outward focus on the needs of others in our community and in the world.
We value quality Christian education for all ages, from infants to adults, and encourage the worship of God with the life of the mind.
We value the fact that we are not all alike, that we provide a welcome to all, that we are open-minded, that questioning is okay, and that reasonable differences of opinion on the important questions of life are permitted.
Come join us on the journey for a few Sundays. We think you'll like the people you find here as we strive to be faithful to what God calls us to be and to do. Click here to find out what a typical Sunday looks like at First Presbyterian. Look through the buttons on the right to find out more. We hope to see you soon.